Heal Thy Animal Update - May 14 Guarantees Lower Stress

Published: Wed, 05/11/22

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue...De-Stress Yourself - and Your Pets

You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.

There is an information explosion happening for holistic pet health. Over 17,000 people attended Dr. Blanco's Pet Health Summit and  many of you have shared the health benefits you have seen - less stress for you and new ideas to help your cherished companions have better health. 

Treat yourself to an entire day designed to ease the challenges of health care decisions for all members of your family. 

Sound great - sign up now

Spend as much of May 14th as you can, then read the handouts and watch anything you missed. This is hands on - bring your companion animals. 

We've teamed up with SamaDog and other wonderful speakers (including Tallgrass acupressure and davidji) to create a new & unique virtual retreat called, De-Stress with Your Pet!

Be ready for: 

  • 15 techniques & practices to reduce anxiety, stress & fear in you and your animals
  • How to perform a physical exam at home that will detect clues of internal imbalance and guide you to the next treatments
  • Reading & interpreting important body language signals
  • Veterinary tips to relax about optimizing each meal so your mental health and your animal's meal time are happy
  • Acupressure points known to help lower the anxiety level of dogs and cats when they are experiencing a stressful situation
  • .... and much more!

Saturday, May 14, 2022 | 8am - 4:30pm PT 

Here is wonderful advice from our key note presenter, daviji's dog Peaches, the Buddha Princess. Davidji is my Dog Dad. He’s a pretty big deal because he teaches people all over the world how to de-stress, meditate, and other Zen stuff like that.

But hey! I’m a pretty big deal, too! I’m a Morkie (which is just another name for Princess). The universe brought me and my Dad together in 2010. Since then, we have done some amazing things together, like co-hosting a radio show on meditation. Sometimes I get to help my Dad with meditation teacher training. My job is to snuggle and calm every person in the class, one at a time.

If you’ve ever read my advice column, “Peaches Teaches”, you’ve heard me say that everything in life is about attention and intention. (Is it any wonder that my Dad tells Amanda Ree I’m the center of his universe?)

That’s why I wanted to talk to you today. Our humans are having kind of a rough go of it lately. There are lots of things that are making them anxious, afraid, or even mad. You see, humans aren’t like us. We live in the moment, in the here and now. Some of our humans have forgotten how to rest and enjoy the moment, and then carry on with peace in their hearts.

Since we are the center of their universes, we have important jobs to do in their lives. One of those jobs is to remind our humans of what’s important if they lose sight of what’s meaningful in life. Dad says that all the negative stuff swirling around has a neurological impact on their brains, and that some people are having trouble balancing and integrating their emotional and physical lives right now. I don’t really know what that means, but I know of a way you can help your human! It’s called The De-Stress with Your Pet Virtual Retreat”.

My Dad and I will be at this virtual event on Saturday, May 14th.

Some other really cool people like Amanda Ree from Sama Dog Wellbeing will also be there. I love her because she’s really chill to be around and she loves it when I say “resist nothing and you’ll receive unconditional love”. (That’s some Peaches Teaches wisdom, by the way!)

There will be other great humans at this retreat that I think you’ll love, too. Like Amy and Nancy who have a place called Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute. One of my friends went there when he had too much fun at the dog park. After just a few minutes of one of those nice ladies using a Tui Na technique called Mo Fa on my friend’s back, he started feeling much less stressed and sore.

Dr. Christina and Dr. Jeff from HolisticActions! will be at the Retreat, too. I hope Dr. Jeff brings some of Archie’s homemade biskies along! They are so tasty!

The key to compassion is empathy (another Peaches Teaches moment for you!). If your human is feeling anxious and stressed, show them some compassion by encouraging them to bring you to this retreat. You won’t distract them during the retreat at all; in fact, you’ll be helping them balance and integrate. Your human is going to love you for this!

Gotta run. It’s time to hang out in the treehouse with Dad and meditate.

Remember, always surround yourself with people, things & experiences that nourish you and raise your vibration… just like the people you’ll meet at the De-Stress virtual retreat!

Well - did that interest you? I would love to see many of my readers at this retreat.

I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled here, too. Email HealThyAnimals@aol.com My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.

Hugs to all of you, and your furry friends, too. 
Christina Chambreau

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