Hosted By Dr. Edward Bassingthwaighte
Panel | Thursday, September 01 2022 @ 6pm ET
Featuring Teoti Anderson, Lisa Spector, and Sean Zyer of Earth Buddy Pets
I know Lisa Spector's wonderfully calming music for people and dogs. Be sure to watch her presentation - she will even play the piano in a surprising way!
Dr. Ed, our host for the whole summit is passionate about helping animals be anxiety and pain free and offers many approaches you can be trained in yourself.
Register here for the kickoff and the summit itself.
I guarantee that this free online summit will give you the confidence to choose the next solutions to overcome anxiety and other behaviors. If you come away with nothing, email me for a free 10
minute consult.
I personally know and admire many of the 21 experts speaking at The Dog Anxiety Summit including:
Dr. Ava Frick - microcurrent treatments you do
Dr. Jean Hofve - one of my favorite solutions for mental and physical health is Flower Essence Therapy. She created the Spirit Essences now sold by Jackson Galaxy.
Dr. Jeff Feinman - founder of Holistic Actions Academy for Healthy Pets - he will talk about focusing on overall quality of life for the whole family with keys to build health to prevent anxiety you can do every day.
Though I do not know her, Dr. Cara Gubbins, a pHd in animal behavior and more, will be speaking on what I think may be the very first step for each of you to take with behavior problems - speak with an animal communicator.
Dr. Barrie Sands, is a well-known integrative veterinarian speaking on the biofield - how we all affect each other and how we can use that to heal our animals.
World famous Dr. Ian Dunbar needs no introduction and will focus on puppy socialization.
I am excited to learn from many of the other speakers, who are new to me about understanding and addressing anxiety.
It’s absolutely FREE for a limited time (September 2-6) plus it’s completely online so there’s nothing stopping you from joining! Click here to register
Even if you do not do the summit, check out those listed above!