Heal Thy Animal Update - Cancer

Published: Wed, 11/09/22

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue... Cancer

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Holistic Actions began its cancer prevention and management month with a wonderful board certified veterinary oncologist approaching cancer from the integrative perspective. Her great analogy is that conventional surgery, drugs and radiation is like building with a hammer and screwdriver. The integrative approach gives you the entire hardware store to use. 

New for me was that almost all of the statistics on cancer in our cherished pets come from the 1980s! Most affected animals were older ones.  Cancer was blamed mostly on deranged genetics. That left us feeling we could not do anything to prevent or manage cancer.

New studies are beginning and they are indicating that most causes of cancer ARE more within our control. We have spoken of epigenetics - how our choices change how genes express themselves. 
Even though cancer indicators in people have been noted 6 generations back, it is not just the genes. 
Inflammation, the immune system and now the microbiome are indicated as cancer triggers. 

A few things to do to lessen the chance of cancer and support deeper treatments even when appears. 
  • Follow the basic guidelines to brilliant health discussed in the free Holistic Pet Health 101(5 lessons) class.
  • This includes forming your health care team NOW, before illness of any sort appears. 
  • Check vitamin D levels as many animals are low. 
  • Because the great vitamin C degrades when heated (all processed foods), use a supplement or better yet feed raw organ meats (liver, kidney, tripe, etc.)
  • Rotate turmeric, green tea, mushrooms of all types
  • With young animals, explore hormone sparing surgeries rather than spay/neuter (not always possible for many reasons)
  • Most importantly, emotions in human cancer have now been  shown to be as important as diet, toxins and more.  Our emotions do affect our pets and they have their own emotional challenges, too. EFT (emotional freedom technique, craniosacral treatments, breathing methods, Emotion code, working with pet communicators and much more can really help.
Bottom line: Happiness.  Live as much in the moment as possible. Find joy and happiness in the moment. Schedule time to ponder treatments and to worry. The rest of the 24 hours be fully with your cherished beings. There is not one solution. 

Want more on cancer? Holistic Actions has a special promotion for the November Cancer Month and the December Quality of Life Month. 
All access membership with all benefits.
  • live 1 hour webinars most Monday nights with speakers like Kendra Pope (above) and get a recording of each one.  Watch Dr. Bob Goldstein on cancer from 2021 here. 
  • 15 minute Q/A each month with Dr. Jeff or me
  • 24/7 - post your questions, your animals symptoms in the web forum
  • complete access to everything we have done in the past - including 6 days of Homeopathy for Animals classes

I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled at  HealThyAnimals@aol.com My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.

Deeply felt hugs to all of you, your furry friends, and the trees, plants, rocks, air and water, too. 
Dr. Christina Chambreau

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