Heal Thy Animal Update - Building Health for Disease Protection

Published: Wed, 02/15/23

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue...All about vaccines 

You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.


After the last few years, vaccination has become a very polarizing subject. While I will be focusing on dogs and cats today, much of the information relates to all species.

Louis Pasteur, the French chemist who formulated the germ theory which then led to vaccines, actually said, later in life:  " In a state of health, the body is shut off from the invasion of germs."

The goal, as we discuss here, and in every book, website, class, article, etc., is to build health, starting today, using as many approaches as possible and tracking symptoms to evaluate responses to your choices for treatments and lifestyles. 

Working in veterinary clinics from 1962 then graduating from veterinary school in 1980, I saw interesting changes in vaccine recommendations. 

Once I began selecting homeopathic medicines (see prior newsletter or get the report) clients would very frequently say that the problems started or got worse after vaccines. One cat, Isis, who I described in the January newsletter, developed severe asthma after his multiple vaccines at age 5. 

While I remember very little from classes my first two years of veterinary school, many have told me they remember learning in immunology class that panleukopenia vaccine was the best and longest lasting for any species in the world. Then they were told in clinics to give them every year (or now every 3 years). Science indicates much longer protection, yet most just automatically have a fear that pushes them to prioritize vaccination. 

Ron Schultz, head of the department of immunology at the University of Wisconsin Veterinary College, wrote in 1992 that there was no need for annual vaccines and his dogs had plenty of antibodies in old age, with only one set of puppy vaccines.

the following topics are covered in depth in the Vaccine Report.


  • Contain adjuvants - chemicals, often heavy metals, to make the immune system respond properly 
  • Put the antigen (the virus, bacteria, etc) into the body differently than a natural infection
  • Cause sudden severe reactions, cancer at the injection site and death in only a small percentage of individuals
  • Frequent cause or worsen chronic illness and allergies
  • Have an environmental impact:  the manufacture, packaging and shipping of the vaccines. Your holistic approaches are much more gentle to the environment

Alternatives to repeated vaccines:
  • Natural exposure which is what I did with my daughter for chicken pox - visited 4 girls in a row who had it until she got this natural exposure and had symptoms. 
  • Give a few vaccines, only for the fatal diseases, when slightly older (maybe 10 and 16 weeks of age)
  • Do not repeat in adults (except for legally required Rabies)
  • Explore use of homeopathic nosodes
  • Only give to healthy dogs and cats. Do not allow them to be given at the ER when ill
  • Learn ways to energetically prevent some of the side effects when they do need to be given
  • Blood test for antibodies just once. Once they have sufficient antibodies, there is also cell mediated immunity which kicks in if the antibodies decrease. No need to waste your money unless to be a service dog, etc.

For a great perspective and history of vaccines, read  the 47 page chapter in Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs.  Get the revised edition (2010)
Pat Jordan - The Mark of the Beast and many articles on the web
Jean Dodds - many searchable articles
Speakers in our weekly webinars and information in blogs and classes.  Join Holistic Actions to access all this.

To learn more about vaccines, click HERE to order my 16 page report for $5. The vaccine report is the second of 5 different reports that may interest you. 

Email me with any questions you have about this challenging subject. 

I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled at  HealThyAnimals@aol.com My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.

Deeply felt hugs to all of you, your furry friends, and the trees, plants, rocks, air and water, too. 
Dr. Christina Chambreau

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706 Concha Drive
Sebastian Florida 32958

Dr. Christina Chambreau, homeopathic veterinarian

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