Heal Thy Animal Update - Homeopathy for First Aid

Published: Sun, 01/15/23

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue... Homeopathy, Finding good information

You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.

I so appreciate your requests. Ashe wanted to learn more about homeopathy for common pet issues. Today I will give some examples, a brief overview and links to learn more. 

Ashe also asked about misinformation and myths in the pet industry and my first response is to select a few trusted sources to whom to refer. I will start with a few I use, then discuss homeopathy.

You are the best judge of misinformation. Using your common sense when reading different opinions can often help guide you. When one source says that every dog and cat need to be taking flea and tick preventative medicines year around, you can question that. How does the preventative work? What is the life cycle of ticks and fleas? What are the potential damages to your pets of giving or not giving the flea and tick chemicals?

OK - you may want a quicker answer. The very best is the Holistic Actions Academy, of which I am a faculty member. Currently the monthly membership fee is $19. Check out all the benefits.

Now, on to homeopathy, a wonderful and safe way to resolve some acute problems and, working with a trained practitioner, to deeply heal yourself and your animals. Homeopathic medicines (very easy to give) stimulate the body to heal itself. Symptoms are the clues to the internal health of the body, and the progress of repair.

Learning the principles of homeopathy, which are the same for people and animals (and plants), will help you understand the results of any treatments you choose to try. You will also learn to love the feedback that symptoms give you, and not needing to wait until there is overt illness.

First, a few examples of help for first aid and acute problems. 

An opossum was hit by a car, bleeding from the nose and in shock and not moving. Within 5 minutes of giving one dose of 200c Arnica, he was trying to climb out of the cage.

A golden who loved to dig in the dirt yelped and came running to the owner. Within minutes his face was swollen so his eyes were closed. He was breathing fine, so his mom gave him a few doses of Apis 30c over 30 minutes and he was completely recovered. 

After a big, busy Thanksgiving dinner with family, Susie, a 5 year old sensitive, friendly Manx cat, was hiding, vomiting and had 2 spot of watery stool in the box. Several doses of Nux vomica and skipping the next meal had her back to normal. 

5 first aid remedies
Aconite can often help any condition when your pet is fearful, in terror or shock. 

Apis may help red, shiny swellings that feel better from cold compresses (often you need to test heat/cold on your animals). Yes, sounds like a bee sting or other insect bite. 

Arnica can resolve the results of blunt trauma like bruising, bleeding, especially when your normally friendly companion is so painful they do not want you to come near them. 

Belladonna is for amy condition that is very sudden, has redness (skin, eyes, ears, rectum, etc), pain, feels hot and they are thirsty and angry. 

Hypericum can relieve the pain from puncture wounds or nerve rich areas like gums, toes, tails.

Nux vomica is great for digestive upsets with vomiting and/or diarrhea, especially when your normally friendly pet is sensitive to noises and touch, maybe hiding away or growling. 

You can buy these at any health food store, often in a strength of 30c. Ignore everything on the label except the name and the strength. Especially know that they do not expire. They last for hundreds of years. 

Open the bottle and shake out 2-4 pellets. They are sweet, so most animals like them. Best is to put a few in 1/2C water in a jar and shake it 10 times if you need to repeat. You can put a few drops in the mouth, or put a tablespoon in a dish for her to lap up, or, if very sore or wild, can put a few drops on the nose or paws, to be licked off. If needed, you can put in a tiny bit of bland food (cream cheese, little bit of rice, etc). 

If the condition is very severe, give as you go to the veterinary clinic. If slightly less severe, give every 5-10 minutes for 3 - 5 doses. If no better, look for a different approach or read your homeopathy for animals books

For other conditions, stock up on some books. My favorite is Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs as it gives you philosophy, home care and veterinary understanding of different conditions and a few (of the 7,000 plus possible) medicines that may help. 

For deeper healing, we look at the totality of symptoms, past and present, and everything that makes this  animal unique and different.

One remedy at a time is given, then the symptoms are carefully evaluated. While less serious symptoms (itchy skin, waxy ears, mouth odor) may take longer to resolve, there should be a quick improvement in attitude and energy - just feeling better and happier. 

With professional care, almost any problem, acute or chronic, can be significantly helped. 

Isis, 7 year old Bengal, had always coughed a bit and no drugs had helped. After too many vaccines at age 5, she developed severe asthma and needed hospitalization. After 2 years on many drugs, which lowered her quality of life even more, she came to me. With careful treatment she was off all medications in a month and lived to be 24 with only a few minor problems that also responded to mom's homeopathic treatments.  

To learn more about homeopathy, click here ‎to order my 10 page report on homeopathy.

For much more in-depth learning about homeopathy,  take my entire weekend Introduction to Homeopathy class recorded live (then the Intermediate 2 days), read Dr. Wendy Jensen's Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, a thread in the forum on homeopathy and multiple speakers in our weekly webinars.  join Holistic Actions to access all this.

I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled at  HealThyAnimals@aol.com My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.

Deeply felt hugs to all of you, your furry friends, and the trees, plants, rocks, air and water, too. 
Dr. Christina Chambreau

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706 Concha Drive
Sebastian Florida 32958

Dr. Christina Chambreau, homeopathic veterinarian

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