You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.
First, a FREE SUMMIT starts Monday 4/17, The Human-Animal Connection Summit hosted by a good friend of mine, a relative of Tesla, and a world-renowned veterinary neurologist, Dr. Susan Wagner. As in this the newsletters for April and May, you will learn ways, like sound therapy, you can start using today to prevent and help heal illness.
Learn how to help your pets with:
- Stress and anxiety, enhance emotional well-being and stimulate the body's natural healing
Learn how caring for yourself helps your animals:
- Why we matter
- Cultivate awareness, hear your pet, to better sense what your pet is trying to communicate
- Use sound therapy for all of you
- Take a holistic approach to animal wellness
- Become familiar with technological advancements that allow us to work with our energies, including through the Tesla Principle and alternative healing methods like homeopathy.
- And finally, how to take care of yourself during the grieving process
Some of my favorite vets are speaking - Jeff Feinman, Neal J. Sivula, Allen Schoen, Edward Bassingthwaighte & Susan Wagner
Sign up today!
- Wish you could prevent illness?
- Not sure if you need to go to the clinic? Can't get an appointment?
- Not happy with conventional treatment options or cost?
- Want to help the environment by using fewer drugs?
This month focuses on energy methods you can begin to use right now, for free, with a little internet access. We will use anxiety/behavioral problems as the example. Any problem, physical or emotional can respond to these approaches. Most importantly, you can pick one that seems best right now and offer it daily to everyone in the house to PREVENT illness in the future.
Ready for a deeper dive? Purchase the 16 page report for only $.99 start using and learning more approaches, including multiple, mostly free resources.
In the report, for each modality there is a brief description, one step to help anxiety/fear and multiple links to practitioners and teachers of the approach, with more ways to use each approach daily.
Here is a list of some of the modalities with specifics for anxiety for a few of them
- Acupressure
- Press gently for 20-40 seconds on the Yin Tang Point, which is on the midline between the eyes. Gently place you other hand anywhere else on the body for a complete energy connection. Known as the Prozac
point in people and is at the 3rd eye area, anxiety seems to drip away. Do this when your dog or cat is calm, 2-4 times a week. Repeat before any potential stressful situation, and even if anxiety begins to show.
- Eden Energy Medicine
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Jin Shin Jyutsu
- Practical Jin Shin for Anxiety: Summary of flow from you tube with Anette:
- One hand on chest, one on the back between the shoulder blades. Press gently and firmly.
- Staying on the body, move one hand to back of neck (where collar would be) and other had to top of tail. Think thoughts of calmness.
- Slide the hand on butt down the leg to just behind the knee (points forward).
- Slide down to ankle (points back) to the depressions on either side.
- If your pet is comfortable, hold the entire paw. If they do not want holding I suggest you move the energy from above the skin so if moves off the tip of the toes.
- Meditation
- Prayer, Angels, and Animal Chaplaincy
- Reiki
- Reiki is same for any problem, and mostly it is intention, though a class may help your success.
- Become present as much as you can, sitting with your pet, at a non-fearful time. Begin sending loving energy, thinking safe thoughts, assuring your continued support, visualizing what you would see if your pet was
not anxious. Do this for 15 – 30 minutes, or until your pet say “stop”.
- Tellington T Touch
- Yoga
I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled at My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.
Deeply felt hugs to all of you, your furry friends, and the trees, plants, rocks, air and water, too.
Dr. Christina Chambreau
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