Heal Thy Animal Update - FEEDING AND EATING

Published: Fri, 06/30/23

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue...A month of hearing from experts - feeding cats and dogs

You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.


July 24-28, 2023 

May 2022, Holistic Actions! focused on Nutrition Awareness!  As a member of Holistic Actions you can review the great topics covered. You can also watch the webinar for free recorded  by Anita Frazier, the amazing voice for cats and author of The New Natural Cat. This, and one of her on the All Paws Pet Talk TV you tube, are unique opportunities to hear how to speak so cats switch foods more easily and many other topics from Anitra's decades of wisdom about cats. (please click subscribe for both these youtube stations. 

Email me to read the May 2022 newsletter on glorious food, much of what is in this month's report.​

You Have Been Brainwashed About Feeding
Kibble and canned are the only balanced foods.
Feed just one kind of food. 
If there are allergies, avoid that food.
You are not expert enough to balance a pet's diet.
It is unsafe to feed raw meat.
You must use supplements.
You must not feed grains. 
Bones will splinter and pierce the guts.  
and on and on and on.

There are NO experts who have the answer for your animal, any more than anyone can tell you what is best to eat. 

The keys, in my decades of experience is to feed a variety of fresh food, preferably from a local "good" source. Raw or lightly cooked meat in big chunks (or raw poultry necks, wings, backs) are for good dental health. Puree the parts of vegetables you are prepping for dinner (along with extras for large dogs or a full house), and the cooked vegetables left over and the water they are cooked in. Puree finely. 

Experiment with freeze dried, dehydrated and even lightly cooked and raw commercial foods that you trust. Keep track of likes and dislikes. Keep reading and most importantly see how your animals are faring. It is that easy. 

There are many variations, so if they make sense to you - try them. 

I invite you to read the 20 + page report with a lot of details...In honor of my June birthday the report this month is free. 

  • Read the slides from this AMAZING presentation about the effect on BLOOD CELLS of kibble and raw foods.
  • Review the Food Vitality Scale to understand the drastic differences in benefits foods like kibble, freeze dried, or canned food can have on your pets' overall well-being.
  • Take 20 minutes to watch Ihor Basko speak about fresh feeding and the difference between commercial pet food and traditional oriental medicine (you can watch full webinar plus 15 other nutrition webinars if you choose our Nutrition Bundle).
  • Watch a short you tube of me speaking on Best Foods
  • Read about vitality in foods here.

There is no one right way to feed ourselves or the animals in our lives. Changing foods  may completely heal illnesses and increase longevity or more lifestyle changes may be needed. 

Dinah, a Persian cat, recovered from multiple health challenges by switching to a fresh food diet. 

After coming to one of my course, Gail Pope switched her senior cat rescues to a raw food diet. Over the decades she would have as many as 90 cats adopted at 16 years or older and some lived to their late 20s and one to 34!! Here's her experience with fresh feeding.

The member webinar June 2023 at Holistic Actions! with Dr. Jody Bearman was a great overview of our options with kidney diseases and some insightful tidbits. Here are a few takeaways:

  • Some harsh truths to cat parents: cats should never eat dry food. Cats originated from desert dwelling wild cats who barely drink water and get their water needs through eating wild prey. Unfortunately, many of the dry kibble fed cats will get kidney disease. The best thing you can do for your cat is move away from kibble.
  • Be really aware of toxins in your environment: kidneys are sensitive to toxins and animals are sensitive to different toxins compared to people. For example, cats are very sensitive to lilies and could get really sick from just sniffing. Any toxin, like bug treatments can be detrimental to your dog's kidneys. Make sure to get familiar with the plants in your area and when using chemicals, make sure your pet is not exposed.
  • Eating is very, very important when sick with kidney disease. If you are adding a lot of supplements to their food or trying out foods that they don't like, perhaps pause on that and find foods that they will eat and hopefully even love, that is more important.
  • Water is the most important nutrient! Watch our fascinating webinar on hydration to learn how to truly hydrate. You can also incorporate the flax tea into your pet's (and your!) diet.
SARA - Shelter Animal Reiki Association - offers links to great FREE training.
1. https://calmkindhappy.co.uk/free-training/ - SARA Teacher Ali Carrington is offering a wonderful free training class for all dog lovers. 
2. Reiki Classes:
  • Looking to take a Level 1 course? SARA Teacher Alice Kay is offering this and a Level 2 and a Level 3 Teacher Training Course.
  • SARA VP Leah D'Ambrosio offers Animal Reiki for Reiki Practitioners classes only several times a year. You can do the self-study option or you can take advantage of the live class that starts July 12th! 
3. FREE Reiki support:
  • Leah D’Ambrosio offers a free Zoom hour every Wednesday at 10:30 am PT where attendees come to get answers, share experiences, and receive support. 
  • The June talk by Kathleen Prasad is "How to stay present with our animals even in difficult moments".
  • Kelly McDermott-Burns gives a zoom Reiki Boost Friday of every other week from 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm ET. Next on June 30th


I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled here, too. Email HealThyAnimals@aol.com

Hugs to all of you, and your furry friends, too.
Christina Chambreau

706 Concha Drive
Sebastian Florida 32958

Dr. Christina Chambreau, homeopathic veterinarian

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