You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.
Hopefully many of you watched the free Ian Billinghurst summit on nutrition. You can still pay to have it as a resource forever. Email me to find out how or to schedule a coaching call if you are still challenged about food that is important to improve health and vitality.
So you think your dog or cat has allergies! Let’s look more in depth at this diagnosis.
Click here to order the Allergy Report for $0.99
This email summarizes the key points with practical tips to get started. The report goes deeper into the causes and treatments of allergies and has multiple links to talks and discussions.
Symptoms commonly attributed to allergies include almost any, often respiratory, digestive or skin. This month will cover the holistic approach to all allergies, with more details on the skin symptoms.
Conventional and even some holistic practitioners label symptoms as allergies, say the “Cause” are the triggers, and give treatments to eliminate the triggers and/or merely soothing the symptoms. The problem with this approach is that it may be impossible to eliminate the triggers. Even
elimination diets become a challenge as many individuals do not want to eat them or they become progressively “allergic” to each new novel protein.
The whole individual approach recognizes that all symptoms are caused by an underlying energy field imbalance when triggered by allergens or other factors, like stress. The cure, then, is to balance the energy field so it no longer needs to produce symptoms in an attempt to stay in homeostasis
(balance). Soothing approaches (even occasionally drugs for a short term) are also used while discovering, patiently, which healing approaches are needed for this individual.
Allergies, and other chronic conditions, rarely develop all at once. Instead, your pet’s system slowly gets out of balance till it reaches a tipping point at which it can no longer maintain equilibrium. Keeping a journal of all symptoms that occur, especially those representing the internal balance: BEAM – Behavior, Energy, Appetite and Mood, and the Early Warning Signs of Internal Imbalance (symptoms that balanced, vital
animals do not have yet are considered “normal” by most). As long as no symptoms are present, you can read and study (becoming a Holistic Actions member is a great way to do this) and implement different lifestyles to see which fit your pet and your family the best. When any symptom is seen, you can think about its context, consult with your holistic health care team if needed and make any appropriate changes. This will prevent most allergies.
If you animal is already ill in any way, including allergic symptoms, doing Holistic Medical Decision Making (HMDM) will keep you focused and able to decide on your next steps towards maximizing health.
- Step 1 - is to set a goal – work first to deeply heal, or first do some temporary treatments (if symptoms are severe).
- Step 2 - Research from multiple sources, recognizing there is no one right answer, nor one expert, with the correct answer for your dog or cat. The most important information are your animal’s specific symptoms
- Step 3 – Then pause, review your options, use your intuition (or asking the universe – dowsing, pendulum, AK, etc. ) or just your mental knowledge to decide on your next steps. Write down you next actions, then record all symptom changes and start back with step one
if needed. Even if you are at the veterinary clinic, you can ask to take some time to decide on which suggested treatments or tests you feel are needed.
Healing “allergies” permanently can be done, and in my practice and from teaching thousands over the last four decades I hear of many successes. When the symptoms are on the skin, it may take much longer to resolve, so keep reminding yourself that no
individual dies from skin problems and you may be more bothered than your animal friend. Many different solutions may be effective, so you are key to monitor your pet’s responses.
Your mind set may be the most important part of having a great quality of life for the people and animals in the house, while exploring different ways to stimulate the body to resolve the symptoms. There are some great you tube videos at Holistic Actions and All Paws Pet Talk TV (be sure to subscribe at each) of Bernie Siegel and others to help remind you of the powerful healing ability of your thoughts.
Preventing allergies or treating present symptoms share some common areas to explore: diet and nutrition, exercise and activity levels, exposure to toxins or household irritants, and the social environment and emotional health of your pet. Last month’s
newsletter focused on nutrition and with allergies cutting out all GMO or glyphosate/roundup foods is important for most animals.
The following are a few of the many ways to deeply resolve allergies that are covered in more detail in the report along with links to learn even more.
- NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Treatment) uses principles of Applied Kinesiology, nutrition, acupuncture, immunology and chiropractic. Many allergic animals have completely cleared with this approach, though it does need repeated
treatments for a period of time. Some practitioners can help you continue treatments at home, for others you need to come to the clinic. Though focused on allergens, you will be able to tell if the result is a restored internal balance.
- Gut microbiome, and maybe the skin microbiome can be critically important as most of the immune system is in the gut. Food, probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes and fecal transplants (MBRT) are
- Happiness strengthens the immune system, and can sometimes resolve the symptoms. At least, when active, playing, happy and occupied they are more likely to ignore the allergy symptoms.
- Homeopathy, chiropractic and osteopathic, & ayurvedic deeply rebalance the energy field in reliable ways when you are working with a great practitioner. If you do not yet have one (and some work virtually), carefully read these guidelines and follow the steps patiently to become a client right now, before a crisis. These treatments can also help soothe specific symptoms along with stimulating deeper healing.
- Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) needs individualized treatment with pulse, tongue, heat/cold preferences and lifestyle evaluations. The report lists several points (or you can google them) that may decrease itching – Anshen and
GB -20, LI – 11, ST - 36. By massaging from the top of the head along the back of the ears, you will cover the first 2 points. Chinese Food Therapy may also help and the references in the report will help you there.
- Many of the energy treatments you can learn that were covered in the April and May newsletters can, in some animals, deeply heal and they all will soothe symptoms.
- Often needed to achieve a great cure, and to note early imbalances, is working with a good communicator/intuitive/remote healer.
You can start now to soothe the symptoms and generally support the body while healing is underway. Some of the following are for general health improvement and others more for ears, or skin in general. There are many more to try, as well.
- Do not pluck ears
- Groom frequently, even daily.
- For itchy spots or all over – rinse with cold water, calendula, calendula hypericum, oatmeal juice, colloidal oatmeal, aloe vera juice (gooey inside of a leaf or drinkable juice), manuka honey, green tea can be useful, sweet almond oil, Vitamin E, Mullin or Mullin/garlic
for ears, and commercial products from your local holistic pet or human store. Find more in the report or the free article at my site.
- Decrease scratching damage: nail caps, donut cloth collars, Tellington T touch figure 8 wraps, thunder shirts,,
- Supplements like Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Antioxidants, Melatonin, Zinc, Methionine, and more.
- Flower essences, essential oils, massaging, color and sound treatments.
In Summary, stop thinking “allergy”. Carefully observe all symptoms, now and in the past, and possible triggers, then follow the HMDM to research your next steps. Take actions to both soothe current symptoms and to address the vitality and energy imbalances to more permanently resolve the problems.
Keep your thoughts positive, focus on quality of life and well being. Never give up hope.
Click here to order the Allergy Report with lots more links and info for $0.99
If you are overwhelmed, have a coaching appointment with me to clarify your next steps.
Since fleas and other bugs are often cited as skin allergy triggers, here are the two newest products I love.
For your yard, check out Flea Destroyers. While I have recommended nematodes for decades, this company, which has sold gardening products for decades, has fine tuned the product for you. I recommend every yard be inoculated since these nematodes work in harmony with good bugs to have super healthy soil that is bad bug free. You could also inoculate dog parks or other areas you go regularly with your pets (if not chemically sprayed a
For ticks and fleas, I love the newest in the USA (has been in Europe for decades) product - Much easier to use than the EMF tags, time will tell if it is more effective or just as good.
I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled here, too. Email
Hugs to all of you, and your furry friends, too.
Christina Chambreau