You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.
Last month we delved into some energy healing methods that were 100% easy on our planet (used no herbs, bottles, equipment, drugs, etc), are fairly easy to learn and can be very effective.
This month you will learn about other methods that may involve purchasing something (tuning fork) one time, but not continually. They may need extensive training to be deeply healing ( 4 year Barbara Brennan school). Some might have fit fine in the first part as you can take a quickie class, but I feel the longer classes will make you much more effective.
Order the full report for $.99
LOVE is the biggest key to healing - be sure to watch Bernie Siegel on the you tubes for Holistic Actions and All Paws Pet Talk TV.
Never doubt the ability for love to heal many problems, emotional and physical.
This month we cover:
Animal Communication
Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH)
Healing Touch for Animals (HTA)
Qi Gong
Quantum Touch
Reconnective Therapy
Tong Ren
Not in the report is Ozone (I will edit it sometime later to add it). Ozone is very healing and the same unit can be used for everyone in the house (probably plants, too). There is an initial investment, then the need to rent Oxygen tanks, which are refilled, so still not too bad for the environment.
A friend of mine's daughter's dog was recently diagnosed with cancer in the mouth. He was going downhill fast, not standing without aid, not eating much (cheese only) and looking sad. After 2 days of Ozone, healer from an energy healer and goats milk, he stood up on his own. With ozone several times a day he is continuing to improve.
Dr. Margo Roman is a passionate advocate of ozone, teaching veterinarians around the world. Brazil has over 1,000 vets who are trained with ozone, for instance. Read at her site about how it can help almost any physical problem - from infections (including Lyme) to chronic illness to cancer. It can be used in many forms. Easiest for you at home is rectal, or in the ear, and to infuse water so it brings more oxygen to the cells of the body.
Every shelter, rescue group, family with a lot of people and animals would be well off to consider this as insurance. Anytime there is any problem you can use direct ozone or oil impregnated with ozone depending on the problem. You can do this while waiting for your veterinary appointments.
Giving treatments on a regular basis can be part of building health and preventing problems. Dr. Roman recommends twice a month. You can gas rectally (use aloe to lubricate) or in the ear. If the small dog or cat does not like that, even with ample treats, you could put ozonated oils on the gums several times a month.
All oils can be ozonated - coconut, safflower, sunflower, hemp olive, jojoba. Can purchase these at the company Dr. Roman recommends without needing to have the equipment.
A great book published in 2023 is The Essential Guide to Ozone Therapy for Animals: How Oxygen Deficiency Is Killing Our Animals and What to Do About It by Jonathan
Animal Communication can certainly be learned by merely taking the time to become centered, clear your mind and just be open to your animals (as well as your trees, plants, even rocks and water). If you wish, please try this now.
Taking classes is important because you will learn to trust your input. Some hear voices, others colors, sounds, feelings. When in a class, paired with someone and you get this odd feeling of sore fingers then your partner says their dog just had the dew claw removed, you will increase your trust.
BBSH is a four year class that is only teaching how to help people heal. Many have adapted these teachings and use them to heal animals. One of the main ones is featured in the report. She was working on her animals from day one in the class and now teaches a course of animal healing.
One was a tumor removed surgically that came back and with BB healing during and after the 2nd surgery, slowly shrank and the cat lived another 10 years!
Emotions respond well to energy work and BB healed an interfamily up set when 4 cats merged households and were NOT getting along.
BEMER technology makes total sense as it expands the capillaries so improves blood flow, therefore improves immune function.
Bengston - while some read the appendix of The Energy Cure and are able to do the cycling easily, most people benefit greatly by taking the classes and do need a lot of practice. Not in the report is the site where you can order water that is impregnated with the energy.
He, and many others have amazing results treating cancer, so this is my go to for anyone with cancer, people or animals.
Healing Touch for Animals (HTA) is Carol Komitor's adaptation of the Healing Touch used for decades in hospitals by nurses. While you can take a short course and get some results, I think the full training is needed for achieving deep cures that I have observed.
Qi Gong is the original Chinese healing system. While you may know it as a meditative movement that many people do daily, there is also medical Qi Gong that is based on transference of energy and can be done remotely. Master Jaci Gran has an on-line class to learn this approach to heal animals. In addition, the more you practice Qi Gong the more you will have happy thoughts for your pets
regardless of their conditions, which will help their natural healing.
Quantum Touch & Reconnective Therapy have also been adapted from use with humans to work with animals.
Sound therapy is becoming more popular in human hospitals and many veterinary clinics are playing soothing music now. You may need to purchase C/Ds, tuning forks, or take classes to learn more approaches. Easily, you can simply sing to your pets, hum on a regular basis, pay attention to which of your music is most liked by them, and play it more.
Tong Ren is not often discussed and it can be a very healing modality. One veterinary friend of mine hosts a Tong Ren group in her clinic every week as the members feel it is even more powerful when more people are focusing the energy. Also, they can discuss which points on the Tong Ren human plastic figure should be tapped by the special hammer. There is a guide book for people.
More...More...More - I keep learning of new energy healing methods. Love to have you post on my facebook page so we can all learn which of these two months are working well for you.
PS: last month we covered these energy healing methods that you can do without training nor equipment:
Animal Communication, Barbara Brennan School of Healing, BEMER, Bengston, HTA, Qi Gong, Quantum Touch, Reconnective Therapy, Sound, Tong Ren
You can purchase that report here
I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled at My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.
Deeply felt hugs to all of you, your furry friends, and the trees, plants, rocks, air and water, too.
Dr. Christina Chambreau