Heal Thy Animal Update - April - Friday film screening and more

Published: Thu, 04/18/24

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue... 

You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.

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Welcome to the hundreds listening to my podcast on finding a holistic veterinarian for their health care team who have joined us. Hopefully you each will learn many more ways that you can be your pet's advocate and even their healer! You can read past newsletters, along with the many free articles on my site to learn much more. And consider taking the free 101 health for animals class at Holistic Actions, and even becoming a member.

  • Friday virtual homeopathy film screening
  • Dog Poop
  • Free replay of Vets for Your Pets Health conference

TOMORROW - FRIDAY April 19 - Introducing Homeopathy Movie First Screening (is that an oxymoron?). Its success in people and animals is highlighted, including Drs. Pitcairn, Bearman and other veterinarians. I will be physically at the screening, so join me...you can view the movie from your home

Great way to introduce friends and family to a healing approach you may be using.

Your watching it now will help show those in government trying to suppress homeopathy that there is a strong demand. Attempts to stop having homeopathic medicines available need to be stopped so we can have all options for our animal health. 

Dog and cat poop and our environment
Feeding a fresh food diet (purchased or using your shopping for ingredients) decreases the amount of stool significantly since most is absorbed for the healthy body. Stool in public spaces, and even left in your back yard if you are near water contributes to increased nitrogen which can decrease the grasses needed to feed the manatees here in Florida. 

The average dog (eating a commercial kibble or canned diet) deposits about ¾ pounds of dog poop daily, which adds up to 270 pounds of poop a year.

In Fairbanks and Anchorage alone, an estimated 20 million pounds of dog waste is produced annually, Creamer's Field Environment Center in Fairbanks Alaska reports in their recent newsletter. I loved their reporting of a scenario where people are not intentionally avoiding picking up stool...it was an accident! Could this have ever happened to you, especially in bad weather?

  1. Grab poop bag.
  2. Walk dog, dog poops.
  3. Pick up poop in bag.
  4. Leave fully loaded bag on ground because you’ll remember to grab it on the way back to throw out.
  5. Get back to car and realize that you forgot the fully loaded poop bag on the ground back on the trail. Uh oh!
When I am visiting friends with dogs I often forget a bag at all. I look for plants with big leaves, use them to pick up the stool, then put in the bin. 

While throwing bagged poop away for it to end up in a landfill is not a perfect solution, it does limit the pollution.
This article by the AKC gives a few options, though not sure they all are my favorite.

For your own yard, consider installing a poop composter.  Several are reviewed here . Make your own - several are on you tube.  A great one  is by a naturalist, explaining the problems and creating a digester you never need to dig up (though you may be missing the benefit of healthy soil). I also like the experimentation of this you tube, and at the end she speaks of doing daily stool deposits, then covering with grass.​​​​​​​ Many others are very good, as well. 
Share your experience with poop digesters.

Many of you listened to The Veterinarians for Holistic Transformation Conference. Maybe you want to see another one again. It is on free replay this weekend.

Over 6,000 people watched the 9-day conference from all over the world with 18 speakers on  to help you take better care of your friend, including me!
Host Dr. Jeff Grognet has opened it up again for a full two days and added a holistic topic each day for better care of your pet.
Start watching April 20 at 8 am PST, until the morning of April 22 at 8 am PST.

There is a speaker and topic list waiting for you on the sign up page.

Listen/watch a Smart Pet Talk interview with Mark Beckhof about Jane Goodall - it is her 90th birthday. What a wonderful woman! And especially for those concerned about balancing their companions fresh food diets, Dr. Royal gives a wonderful interview.

Have a glorious spring. In Baltimore for a week visiting relatives and doing some veterinary business, the spring colors are stunning and the dogs are prancing on their walks. 

Note: Both Holistic Actions and Smart Pet Talk have free talks on you tube. Do subscribe.

I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled there, too. Email HealThyAnimals@aol.com

You can read any and all of the past newsletters by clicking here.

Hugs to all of you, and your furry friends, too.
Christina Chambreau

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706 Concha Drive
Sebastian Florida 32958

Dr. Christina Chambreau, homeopathic veterinarian

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