You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.PLEASE email me with what you want covered here.
Love in Action workshop TOMORROW - Sept 19 - more
I. Health success
II. Tips for the Month
III. Classes
IV. New at Smart Pet TalkTV and Holistic
V. Sustainability
I. Health success
Timmy is very sensitive kitty, so JoAnn worried about giving drugs to sedate him for blood draw. She is having a
mobile vet this year and wondered what she could do. for his annual and hopefully be successful in getting blood.
I said:
I would suggest Rescue remedy or Stress Stopper. Start using it a week before at times he is happy, maybe twice a day put some on your hands and petting him. (diluted is fine). Try a few drops (diluted) in his meal. The day before and the day of, clear your mind of any worry, any concerns, just fill it with love for the house call vet and Timmy. Then do the some
procedure in the AM, then 30 mins before she comes.
Watch feline maven Anitra Frazier on how to think cat. Your thoughts are critical.
She reported:
I followed your suggestion and Timmy’s visit and blood draw went very well. They sat on the floor and the veterinarian held him, the technician and I coaxed him while we had a towel over his head and first try she took blood no problems. I have you to thank!!!
II. Tips for the month
A. Benefits of Reiki from the Reiki blog - How do animals illuminate our path to healing? 1. A shelter dog was pacing and so anxious he could not even sleep. After a few minutes of a Reiki practitioner focusing on her own "hara" center, the dog slowed, then finally dropped down into a deep sleep. Shelter workers reported an increase in
2. Animals have us be present in the now. When your cat walks on your keyboard and you take a break, you return refreshed. "Animals remind us that it’s important that we just show up for them, without being distracted by other concerns or responsibilities. And when we do, we can experience a great sense of healing!"
3. It's ok to rest. A person noticed her dog resting a lot when healing from illness. "Recently I had a migraine and, remembering my dog’s example, instead of pushing
through it, I took some time to rest in stillness, placing my hands over my hara and focusing on a calm peaceful energy. I quickly felt so much better!"
B. Julie Ann Lee of Adored Beast spoke for Holistic Actions members on the microbiome of the skin. - Bacteria on the skin actually communicate with the lymph nodes, so affect the immune system.
- When you bathe with soaps, you kill off a lot of the bacteria
- Playing in the dirt, mud, animal poop and open air can help keep a healthy bacterial population. For cats - have some soil litter boxes (you can buy organic soil if live in city) and use catnip or silvervine to entice them to play in the soil, or use it as a litter box.
- Apple cider rinses kill pathogenic bacteria and leave the good bacteria!
- As we talk about a lot - we share a lot with our companions - love, fun, when in a good mood share your bacteria, too. Rub your armpits or feet or... with a towel, then rub your dog or cat's skin. You are getting their bacteria when they cuddle with you.
- What you lie on helps your bacteria - sheets, pet beds, clothing. Using cotton, linen, hemp or other open weave fabrics and not washing till really dirty allow good bacteria to thrive.
- When needing bathing, repopulate bacteria by 10 minute massage in the tub with kefir, raw goats milk (you can ferment on your own for even more bacteria). Then rinse.
She has a complete protocol for this.
- HA members got an email with a long document from Julie Ann with much more, so be sure to open it and become a member for these resources.
C. Rabies
Thanks to Sandy, a reader, who says, "I love getting your newsletters so very much!"
"My cats are able to get outdoor time (when we are in the yard with them) in their "catio". Our two year old cat, Reggie, has never had a rabies vaccine. Holistic vets always talk about titers, but don't address
should they be vaccinated at all. I would love to learn if it's recommended to get at least one rabies vax, then titer, or not to even go there at all. We don't have a high incidence of rabies in our area, but I want our boy to be safe too. So unsure of what to do. :)"
It is important to have one or more holistic veterinarians on your healing team and to start
with conversations about vaccines. Learn more in the free article at Holistic Actions on vaccines and at my site.
There is no one right answer.
Staying legal with the Rabies vaccine is the safest. Vibrantly healthy cats and dogs can almost always tolerate a Rabies vaccine, especially if they have no health issue when you give it.
Recent recommendations from the AVMA say that if a dog has a suspicious bite wound, quarantine is not needed as long as there has been a rabies vaccine in the past. Different states and towns have different rules that can range from keeping in a cage at home to euthanasia, and may not follow these newer guidelines. Titers can help you
feel comfortable yet are not legally acceptable. Even though unlikely, there is a risk of a cat in a catio, or indoor cat or dog getting out, or being bitten by a bat (animal control often talks of this danger).
Eliminating your fear of bad reactions can help towards preventing them, along with Reiki, Vaccine Detox flower essence.
Keeping a journal to see if any symptoms, even the Early Warning Signs of Internal Imbalance appear after the vaccine, then consult with your really good holistic veterinarian.
III. Classes
A. Love In Action! What Sensitive Dogs Really Need to Feel Safe and Loved.
September 19, 2024, 12 - 3 PM Eastern - Live on Zoom
My colleague, Marilyn Mele, is hosting six dog behavior experts for this event including yours
It’s free to register for the live event and free to view the replay. Click the link to see who else is on the speaker panel!
B. Reiki - Shelter Animal Reiki Association teaches all levels of Reiki classes, including ones for people already trained in Reiki (of any lineage). You can make a
difference with every individual in your house, and even volunteer with a local shelter.
C. Communication With All Life University (CWALU) teaches classes on animal communication, EFT (emotional freedom technique) which can help you at home as well as at shelters), Scalar healing and many more.
Join Joan Ranquet in Learn to Communicate
with Animals with Joan Private Facebook Group every Tuesday at 10am Pacific.
LIVE introduction class on the 3rd Wednesday of every month - next one Oct 16
3rd Thursday of every month,
Communication With All Life University offers an Introduction to Energy Healing LIVE class.
IV. Smart Pet TalkTV and Holistic Actions
A. The newest episode at Smart Pet Talk was just released. We dove into the world of dog training and behavioral transformation with Matt Beisner, star of The Zen Dog. Learn some ways to find balance and peace. Watch here.
B. Ask a Vet - Live Q&A on Zoom - Learn to Take Control of Your Pets’ Health! The last Friday of every month from 12:30 - 1:30 Eastern Dr. Jeff Feinman and myself answer your questions. Everyone is welcome.
Click here to Register.
V. Sustainability
A. When people are empowered, throughout the world, our air and water will be healthier for our animals. The vision of The Hunger Project is a world without hunger. "The mission is to facilitate individual and collective action to transform the systems of inequity that create hunger and cause it to persist." I have been a monthly supported since 1978 and encourage you to check it out. Success stories will follow in later
B. The Pachamama Alliance was created at the request of the Achuar people in Ecuador. "With roots in the Amazon rainforest, we equip people around the world with inspiration and training to regenerate the planet’s ecosystems, bring
justice to their communities, and restore our relationships with the Earth, each other, and ourselves." Imagine how wonderful every animal's life would be when fed on food from a regenerated ecosystem.
Note: Both Holistic Actions and Smart Pet Talk have free talks on you tube. Do subscribe.
Members of Holistic Actions can access any referenced talks (HA!).
Each cited source gives a wide range of information.
More research and clinical information is
available from
many sources, like
I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled here, too. Email
You can read any and all of the past newsletters by clicking here.