Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal Update In This Issue...
You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.PLEASE email me with what you want covered here. We would
like to Welcome our over one hundred new readers! Thank you and please let me know any ideas that you have to add to this newsletter so that it can empower you to have health for people, pets and the planet. I. Health stories - German Shepard with neck problems - TCVM
- Cat with many problems – intuitive healer
II. Tips for the Month - Bengston Method
- Harnessing Cats and
III. Classes IV. Holistic Actions, Sustainability and Healing the World
I. Health stories - Jared was a German Shepherd who fell, developing a cervical spinal compression resulting in progressive weakness and tripping on his front legs. His guardians had been using some homeopathic medicines, massage, great raw meat diet, no chemicals and she slowly deteriorated over the next 4 years, though happy and friendly and
loving life. They started TCVM, starting with acupuncture to balance all the meridians, not just treat the compression. They drove him 2 hours each way twice a week for 6 months as he very slowly showed improvement. After 6 more months of weekly treatments he was able to jump up from the curb into the back of the van. After a year of less frequent treatments, he appeared to ambulate normally. He did need repeat treatments and fairly continuous Chinese Herbs or he would weaken a little. He
continued to maintain a high quality of life until age 10, when he went quickly downhill with cancer, still happy and active until the end.
- Molly was very ill when I adopted her at 10 weeks old with sneezing, coughing, small & crooked bones. She had a very bad reaction to a flea bath the adopter gave her just before an 8 hour drive to Baltimore. The flea shampoo was herbal, for cats…but had tea tree extract in it. That was when I had seen enough problems with different tea tree
products that I suggested not using that on cats. First treatment was a dose of homeopathic Aconite for the acute upper respiratory problems and timidity. Of course she got a diet of fresh raw meaty bones and lots of other foods. With an herbal combination for upper respiratory issues, regular massage, and homeopathic remedies when indicated, Molly became very active and bold, often tussling with her brother Ed who was twice as big at least. She continued with a sinus inflammation so she had
very noisy respiration, both on inhale and exhale. She was fine in every other way, so I consulted an intuitive, shamanic healer and after several treatments she was symptom free. We are each on a journey of health and sometimes it comes with twists and turns – never give up hope.
II. Tips for the Month Bengston method This is healing you can do yourself. Dr. Richard Palmquist has seen clients have great success over the last decade, especially with tumors and cancer. Holistic Action members heard Eric Bates, who uses the method with people and animals, speak last month on using Bengston cycling to support
your pet’s health naturally—especially with ones facing cancer or chronic conditions. - At the heart of the Bengston Method is “image cycling,” a technique where you visualize a list of positive outcomes or “wishes” for you and your pet. As you cycle through these images quickly, it creates a calming, healing effect. You can even try it while doing everyday activities.
- This image cycling can be done directly, remotely, with charged water or
charged cotton balls.
- The water or cotton balls can be infused with healing energy through image cycling. Place a photo of your pet near the water or cotton, then give a few drops of the water, or put the cotton on any wounds or masses.
- As I suggest with any energy healing method/mindfulness/thought work – Eric also said to make image cycling part of your daily routine—even 10 minutes makes a difference. Eric encourages integrating it while you’re cooking, walking, or
relaxing, as it helps both you and your pet stay connected and grounded.
- Watch these videos by Dr. Bengston
- If you are a member of Holistic Actions – we have a webinar with him
- Learn from Dr. Bengston’s workshops.
- Read the book or get the C/Ds to learn the method - The Energy Cure : Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-On Healing. A CD audio instruction program, Hands On Healing: A Training Course in the Energy Cure.
Helping Harness Sensitivity in Dogs We talk about the benefit of using harnesses rather than leashes and collars, yet some dogs seem averse to the
harness, even one that fits well. I have loved the Tellington Method for over 30 years and they have a great video about helping harness and touch sensitivity. - The 30 minute video starts with you noticing if they are sensitive in other ways, like grooming, massaging or even wearing clothes or a collar
- Start with
slowly touching them along the body to see how they respond. Do they flinch, or growl, or walk away, or ripple skin – get a base line
- See if the body wrap is accepted & work till it is
- Do some free work, especially ones where things touch their body.
- Very gradually, add pieces of the equipment
- Once tolerated for short times, move towards full harness
- If still an issue, a rope harness can be a useful
Training Cats for Harnesses – and just a fun site to peruse Dr. Jean Hofve’s website turned me on to hiking with cats. Really? Hiking with cats? Adventure Cats is a web site full of fun stories and information about how to even think of....". They have a great article that with patience (and maybe flower essences) every cat will accept training to a harness. And if a harness is just too much, consider a cat stroller like they use at
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. These tips will also help train a harness averse dog. - Positive attitude and thoughts from you is critical
- Harness that fits well
- Use food treats
- Start with harness near the food bowl
- Get them used to the noise by snapping the clasp or velcro.
- Rub them with the harness
- When ready to put it on, wait till just before meal time! [My ideas: Or when very sleepy. Or when zonked from catnip or
silvervine.] and do not hook it.
- Then, as slowly as your dog or cat needs, leave the harness on for a minute, or 10 or 30….
- Once comfortable inside, slowly begin going outside. Voila! Success!!
You may, of course, have a travel loving cat like Sam, a patient of mine in Manhattan. He would lead his man on 2 hour walks through the parks, visiting anyone sitting still. When asked if I thought the cat could go on the road, I said the cat would probably love it. He did. He
would walk into the hotel room (on a harness), walk all around it, sniff his food & water bowls, bed et al; then turn to his man as if to say, “OK get out of here and let me be king of the room.”
III. Classes - Joan Ranquet
- Join her live every Tuesday at 10am in her private Facebook group, Learn to Communicate with Animals with Joan
- Be her guest. They are
looking for animals with behavioral issues to be a demo at the Spring 2025 AC Level 3: Behavior & Dynamics class starting April 22. Please contact.
- January 8, 2025 begins the animal communication class. Check the calendar for any courses that may interest you.
- Until December 31 she is having a 70% sale on many of her books and classes.
- Eden Energy Medicine is very powerful
for animals as well as people, so do check out this free evergreen class offering by Donna.
IV. Holistic Actions, Sustainability and Healing the World - Merry Christmas – If you decide to become a member of Holistic Actions, use this coupon code (DRCHRISTINA) for 20% off the first payment you make,
and email me for a special gift.
- Search for Common Ground reports on 2024 - CEO, Shamil Idriss, writes, “setting new precedents for civilian engagement in official peace talks in Sudan; supporting Israeli and Palestinian women as they courageously hold a joint space, rooted in their insistence to be included in the negotiations required to end the ongoing war and to ensure that it is the last—and not
just the latest—in this decades-long conflict.” See video.
- Green Living – Amy Todisco – Hartsfeld
- Take the Green Living Survey and check out Amy Todisco’s newsletter for ideas each
month on how to live more lightly on our planet.
- Then you can take her class on creating a toxic free home which will help pets and people, and the planet be healthier.
- She recommends: An excellent tap water filter from Lakota Scientific. It's a small mom and pop company, and I know the original owner, Barry, fairly well. He's so smart and knows a ton about water (and other things). His son-in-law, Patrick, has taken over the company.
- The Hunger Project is addressing sustainability as they empower people world wide to end their own hunger. “With workshops in climate-smart agriculture, agricultural entrepreneurship and leadership development — and community-led programs such as youth farmer field schools and seed banks to promote crop diversification...”
- I Am Humanity Day had great speakers (me, too) and you can watch it right here for free. People are doing so much good in this world.
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