You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.
Healthy Animal Update
Happy Holidays 2017
My wish for you is an even healthier year than last year and an easing of any grief from losses.
highly recommend the Book of Joy, where the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu speak for a week on how to live a life full of joy (which certainly is what our animal companions want us to do). It is also a window into how they live their lives with discipline and compassion, even for themselves.
The many of you who are helping others – animals, plants and other humans – are doing one of the keys to living a joyous life.
I have loved giving gifts that are recycled, made, used, and sometimes new books. Maybe you have some books on natural healing for animals you could gift a friend to introduce them. You could give a gift of a one month membership to the Holistic Actions Academy, or gift a single class. Maybe assemble notes on holistic treatment for issues a friend is having with themselves or their animals or give a bottle of rescue remedy to everyone with notes on how to use it.
My gift to you (and you can give to a friend) is 10 minutes free Healthy Pet phone consult (can pay for longer).
Webinar on Diabetes, Cushing's Disease and other Endocrine Dis-eases.
When I graduated from veterinary school, diabetes and cushings disease were very rare (1-2 per year) and now they are very common. Even hypothyroidism was not too common. We certainly recognized and tested for these diseases. Prevention is the key to health in general. Each person or animal has their genetic code for length of life (I think), however the lifestyle choices we make can improve the quality of life and help them live as long as possible.
When you are doing everything “right” and your animals become ill or die, it can be devastating. Please never feel guilt, as you were doing the best you could. You can learn about preventing diabetes and other endocrine dis-eases in the upcoming Holistic Actions Webinar (more later on this).
There are a few basic keys that just make common sense. Most of you reading this update have been doing them for years, a few of you many be new to them. Even if you have been doing them, look at each one freshly – is there a deeper level you can do?
- Feed fresh food. Of course. New to this idea – start introducing raw meat chunks into your pet’s diet. Puree some vegetables. Think about how you feed your family (or what would be the best!!). Steve Brown’s Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet where he shows that just one fresh food meal a week can improve health. Experienced – Check out Paleodiet by Hofve, Dr. Becker’s Guide to Real food for Healthy animals, Dr. Basko’s Fresh Food and
Ancient Wisdom about the Chinese Medicine perspective to feeding. Read more about GMO. Stop buying frozen raw and feed your dog or cat as part of the family, buying ingredients from local farms. Remember there are no “right” diets as each individual has unique needs.
- Minimize toxins. Have you allowed society to force you to vaccinate your animals? Remember only the Rabies is legally required and that only every 3 years. Can it still harm? Yes. Stopping all the others will build resilience so there will be less damage. Beware of all other chemicals you have control over.
- Environmental stimulation – physical and mental, especially in cats and small dogs who seem more sedentary. Its up to you to take the time to get them active. There are even feline agility competitions!
- Avoid suppressing symptoms. I know the itching is keeping you up at night or the ear discharge seems to bother your dog so much, but please be careful with your treatments. Avoid drugs and chemicals. Avoid holistic treatments that focus on that symptom. Use treatments to balance the energy field.
SATURDAY 12/9 – webinar on treating and preventing endocrine (hormone) dis-eases, especially diabetes and cushings. You will learn of all of your holistic treatment options.
"Holistic" in every sense of the world. The whole truth and nothing but!
Dr. Jeff Feinman is at a veterinary conference listening to what even conventional veterinarians recommend. So far, the one most important tip comes from a feline and internal medicine specialist. She talked about not feeding dry foods to your cats. Both to prevent as well as treat Diabetes.
Another important benefit is almost 100% prevention of another, non-endocrine, dis-ease in cats. What she called a human-caused dis-ease. Constipation and difficult defecation. Especially obstipation and megacolon.
Holistic vets have been teaching that for years. It's great to see the conventional community finally catching up.
There are also other specific foods that help Diabetes and Cushing's. Foods like eggs, grass finished raw meats, broccoli, brussels sprouts and spinach.
Click here for more information and to sign up.
Be well.
Dr. Christina
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