The purpose of this newsletter is to empower you to keep your animals healthy - and yourselves healthy, too. These approaches will also help our planet.
This is the July newsletter sent belatedly in September.
I would love to print letters that you would like to share with other holistically oriented animal partners. Send what has worked for you, what you have done that did not work as well, and wonderful stories about your animal family.
If you have any specific comments or wish to consult with me - email at
July/September 2013 index
September 30 ends early registration for Calgary classes.
2. Holistic Perspective Series
October 16 Holistic Health and Homeopathy Class - Harrisburg PA
All day class that promises to answer your specific questions (though not treat each of your animals!) about how to keep your animals healthy for many happy years. Diet, Vaccine controversy, healing modalities you can learn for yourself, basics of homeopathy and Chinese medicine - and what you request when you register. Email Kristen - for details.
October Homeopathy Classes - Calgary
Your second chance to really learn the basics of how homeopathic treatments are selected begins the end of October. Early Registration ENDS September 30.
This series of classes on homeopathy will introduce you to the history, principles, books, remedy selection and more.
1. Where? Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2. When? October - November 2013
3. What's covered?
a. Oct 25 6-9 - Free - How to have a healthier animal
b. 26 - Sat Introduction to True Health for Your Animals
i. 7 Keys to health
ii. Feeding the best
iii. Vaccination issues
iv. Evaluation of response to any treatments
Healing modalities you can do yourself, including homeopathy
vi. Creating a healing team to add in other modalities
c. 27 - Sun - Introduction to Homeopathy for Animals
i. History
ii. Preparation of remedies
iii. Basic principles
Overview of case taking, case analysis, potency selection, evaluation of response, obstacles to cure.
v. First aid remedies
d. 28 - Nov 1 - Intermediate Homeopathy for Animals
i. 28 - case taking,
ii. 29 - Repertory study - how to use this human oriented book for animals.
30 - case analysis, remedy selection, material medica & potency selection,
iv. 31 - evaluation of response
v. Nov 1 - Review the whole process - with cases - yours and mine
For more information and to register - Please visit or email Amanda at
for logistics. Email or call me for course content. 410-771-4968
I will be donating a portion of the tuition as well as a day of my time to help the flood victims of North Calgary - still lots to be done.
November 16 Hereford, MD
Diet & Nutrition Workshop - Healing Our Animal Companions from the Inside Out
Kathleen Lester, ED ARA, Moderator, email for more information.
Reiki, treating and feeding the whole animal and creating a healing team
Christina Chambreau, DVM
Health benefits and consequences of diet choices
Kendell Reichhart, Holistic Health Counselor
How urine, blood and saliva are health indicators. Slides of live blood preps showing differences between fresh and processed diet.
Kevyn Matthews, The Dog Chef & TV personality
Easy ways to prepare food for your animals as you make your own meals. Potential harm from processed foods & supplements - allergins, toxins, labeling issues and more. How the brain reacts to nutrients.
Food preparation workshop - Kevyn Matthews
Future: Homeopathy classes to be hosted in the DC area in the spring. They will cover the information in the Calgary classes. The timing may be weekends, or evenings or whatever works for the most people. Email Cassandra at
if you have an interest in studying homeopathy for your animals or to use in your practice. Two people did email me about the DC class - we need about 10 people in each section to run the class, so let me know your interest.
Preventing future health issues by using the early warning signs
Those of you newer to the holistic paradigm may need to read this several times over the next year to really grasp the challenge and joy of committing to great health for a long lifetime.
There are two basic ways of looking at health issues. One is that something out there causes our health problems. The other is that something out there triggers the vibrational matrix to create symptoms in susceptible individuals.
The current model, well advertised on the media and communicated by many health professionals is that something out there causes us pain, infection, inflammation, etc. The goal, then is to stop the body's reaction to that trigger and use any means possible to eradicate the trigger.
If an animal has flea allergies the conventional approach is to stop the redness and itchiness with ANTIhistamines or ANTIinflammatories (like steroids); bathe to clean off the current crop of fleas; use a pesticide (like Frontline) monthly for life to kill any new fleas; treat the house and yard monthly to kill any flea larvae and adults that are hatching; deal with any negative side effects of all the chemicals.
The holistic approach says that healthy dogs and cats just do not get fleas, or no more that an occasional hitch hiker. If they do get bit, they do not have allergic reactions. The presence of fleas is a wonderful clue that the animal may be less than healthy. Even healthy dogs and cats can certainly become infested if put in a house (often a beach rental) that has flea cocoons just waiting to hatch, or even adults fleas left from the last occupant.
The holistic approach says that all symptoms, even mild ones, are clues of lower health. Many of you have asked your veterinarian why there is crud in the corner of the eyes or hairball vomiting. With merely my conventional training I saw these as not important, or needing an ANTI - maybe an ANTIbiotic ointment for the eyes or ANTI-vomiting hairball gel for life.
Now I know that these minor symptoms actually are indications of the vibrational matrix/chi/pranna/vital force being out of balance. They indicate something is not right in this animal's life - diet, toxins, exercise, emotional environment, etc. The following is a list of these symptoms compiled by many homeopathic veterinarians and guardians over the years. We are always looking for more of these symptoms that resolve after treatments.
The complete list of the Early Warning Signs of Internal Imbalance can be found at
As you read through the list, record on each master symptom list any that are present now or in the past for each of your animals. Do this while sitting near each animal so you can look, feel, smell and palpate. If you have more than one animal, you can compare the color of gums, or the lymph nodes.
The red line on the gum, or the "crud" in the corner of the eye can be observed, whereas you need to remember that Susie vomits hairballs 2-3 times a month.
After you record each symptom, think about for a minute. Is the crud in the corner of the eye only seen in the spring, or after you have been stressed? Do you see your cat drinking water (healthy cats rarely to never drink water) only after you give certain treats or foods, or all the time? If there is a clear cause (and you may need to experiment to tell this), then you may need do nothing more to prevent illness.
If there is no obvious reason, you need to start improving health right now, not waiting for real "illness" to appear. Because you now know that the real cause of most symptoms is an imbalance in the vibrational template, your goal is to generally build health. If your cat is licking the floor or photos, you will not be looking for a specific holistic treatment to stop the licking. You will be asking (maybe through dowsing, intuitive, reading, prayer, research) what is needed to build health. Is it improving diet, adding supplements, daily Reiki or Quantum touch, Flower essences, etc.
Routinely (even daily) tracking all these "early warning signs" and working to eliminate them is the very best way to prevent illness in any species (even us people).
3. News
Many people are worried about the Circovirus. University veterinarians remind us that is has been identified in only 10 dogs who died between 2003 and 2013, it might even require a co-infection (of another virus). Even Ohio state veterinarian Tony Forshey cautioned against premature worry.
Using the Early Warning Signs as discussed above is your best chance to avoid any of the "new" illnesses that appear.
Next topics:
August: Vaccine update and Parasites - benefits of them as a clue to health; Heartworm, fleas, ticks
September: Dental health - multiple approaches
October: Chinese Food therapy - individualizing your animal's diet
November : New technologies - ozone, hyperbaric chambers, laser, stem cell therapy
December: Detoxification for horses, dogs, cats and people.
May/June: End of life - death can be a wonderful new door; hospice care
April: Homeopathy
March: Nutrition
"The (energy) field is the sole governing agency of the particle." That is, the atom and all its components are determined by the energetic, non-physical influences that come from the quantum vacuum - a dimension that physicists say is outside the time-space continuum.
I am still meditating on this for a few months. Think about its application to the health of your family and our planet.
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